Saturday, June 21, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday, Lucy!

Mesmerized by the flame of her birthday candle (and holding mommy's hand - melt my heart!)
Can you believe that Lucy is 2 years old already?  It's impossible not to remember her "birth" day 2 years ago on a day like today and to be SO thankful for the amazing strides that she has made, both physically and developmentally.

2 years ago...brand new baby!
Celebrating her birthday was so much fun this year, because she sort of understands what her birthday is and we knew exactly what new books and toys she would love!

Pre-Birthday treat at Barnes and Noble - free cookie for Kid's Club members!!

She was a good helper when we were getting ready for her party:

Helping mommy stir up her cupcakes.

Decorating the party favor bags
She was sort of interested in opening presents - but mostly checking them out once they were open!

Carefully opening and peeking at what is inside the wrapping paper...
Flying her new airplane!
Reading her new mailman book
 Most of the day was spent at the Minnesota Zoo.  It was beautiful weather outside and Lucy made it until 4:00 without a nap!

Pre-Zoo goofy picture with the cousins

Petting the goats with Grandpa
Raina and Remy keeping Lucy from running away!!
Catching a ride with daddy!

Catching a few ZZzzz's on the way home from the zoo.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!!


Happy Father's Day!  I'm not really sure what that means, but mom kept telling me to practice saying "Happy Father's Day," so I did.  I think you are the best daddy in the whole world and I am so happy that we get to spend (almost) every day playing together.  Thanks for being so patient with me and helping me learn new things, like the Popeye Face, which everybody loves!


P.S. It's my birthday on Saturday!  I would really like a Sandbox to play in, an airplane and a visit from the mailman.  Pretty please?!?!?!? :)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Esophagus Dilatation #17

Enjoying a cracker - it is amazing to me sometimes that she doesn't have major food issues...if it tastes good to her, she will eat it, whether or not her esophagus can stretch enough to get it down or not!
Lucy's dilatation last week went good.  Going to Minneapolis was no problem at all.  In fact, we confused the surgeon - he said he looked at his schedule and saw Lucy Bryant and thought he was supposed to be in St. Paul!!  He was able to get through the 12's again and her eating tolerance continues to be good.  We very gradually experiment with new foods / bite sizes = some with better results than others (for example, tortilla chips = bad but potato chips = OK, assuming she eats them slowly, chews them well and only has like 2 or 3 in a sitting).

We are going to stretch her next dilatation out 7 weeks (no pun intended!), so that is exciting!!  Other than that, we are due for a Neurology appointment soon but that is it as far as "extra" appointments.

Lucy has been keeping us busy (as always), helping me paint a retaining wall in our backyard (and not happy to have to wash said paint off her face):

...and setting up tea parties for daddy to join her at:

...and focusing on some serious Play-Doh art: