Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Update on far

I cannot believe that this is my first post in 2018!  That should tell you that Lucy is doing AWESOME from a health perspective.  So far this year, she has had some pretty high highs and some pretty low lows...I'm confident there were WAY more highs than lows though!!

 - First Dance Recital
 - First Science Fair
 - Graduated from Kindergarten - how is my baby 6 already???
 - Family vacation to Pennsylvania - including Hershey's Chocolate World and the Turkey Hill Experience - so fun!!
 - Long weekend in Duluth - complete with Thomas the Train and a Water Park!
 - Swimming Lessons
 - Play dates with friends
 - Picnics in the park

 - Pneumonia (in June) :( (but a high point that we were able to treat at home and did not have GI issues with it!!)
 - 25+ missed days of school due to illness (2017 - 2018 school year)
 - Schoolwork challenges
 - Still a lot of doctor's appointments
 - A new doctor to follow-up with (pulmonology)
 - Ongoing maintenance medication

I'll post more about the new doctor we are seeing on a future blog.  Wish us luck starting 1st grade in a few weeks!!

First Day / Last Day of Kindergarten