Lucy's first surgery is complete and she is doing well and receiving constant care back in the NICU. We just got back from visiting her and she looks great - although she now has even more tubes and monitors connected to her and she is very sleepy from the anesthesia.
The surgery was partially successful. They were able to clamp off the esophagus connection to the trachea and get the anus dilated to a "10." I am not sure what it should be at, but the doctor was happy with that number. However, there was too much space between the two parts of her esophagus so they were unable to connect the two parts. That means that she had to have a feeding tube inserted and that she will have to have a follow-up surgery when she is older to have the two parts connected. The thought is that the two parts will eventually grow closer to together and they will not have to be stretched as much as they would have at this point. We are not sure when that next surgery might be - but it sounds like several weeks away.
Lucy will have multiple ultrasounds over the next few days to determine the plan of action for her hydrocephalus and to look for any other issues that we may not have shown up in-utero.
Thank you for your messages and continued prayers. We will keep you posted on her progress, and even though we cannot speak with each of you individually, we are overwhelmed by your support. As you can imagine, Jason and I are on a bit of a rollercoaster ride of emotions as we deal with new diagnosis and see our little girl dealing with so much when she is so little.
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