Thursday, August 16, 2012

Echo results

Lucy has had a busy week! On Tuesday, one of the surgeons came to look at her G-tube, which continues to be troublesome and leaks occasionally. She had some tissue building up around it, so that has been cleaned up and she is on continuous feeds for a couple of days in the hopes that avoiding filling her tummy with large amounts at a time will help the site heal. In the meantime, she loves spending time in her Boppy and looking at her mobile (you can see the turtle from her mobile in the top left of the picture below. She has graduated to a larger Blood Pressure cuff and size 1 diapers!

She also had an Echo test on Tuesday to look at the holes in her heart - ASD and VSD. It looks like her ASD has pretty much closed on its own and is no longer considered a problem and that her VSD is small enough that there is no action needed at this point. We will plan a follow-up in 6 months to re-look at it. Great news for us as it is one less thing we have to be concerned about.

Since she is officially off oxygen, her sunctioning tube has been moved from her mouth to her nose, like it was a few weeks ago. She's not sure that she likes it there yet, but it has given her a break from always having something in her mouth and she is less likely to yank it out since it is off to the side a little bit. It has also given her a renewed interest in her pacifier, which is great, since she will need those skills when she is ready to start eating on her own after surgery. I finally admitted, now that I can see more of her face, that she looks like her daddy...alot!

Jason is back home and can't believe how big our little girl is. Interesting side note, Jason and I gave one of the Olympic bronze medalists a ride from the airport once!


  1. Man she has a lot of hair Abby!! I can't get over that!! Glad to hear about her echo tests went well!

  2. She is SO beautiful! Finally, things will slow down here next week. I plan on making a trip up to finally meet Miss Lucy!
    I'll call/text to see when it's a good time for me to visit.
    Love all that hair!!! My girls never had much as infants.
    xoxo to the Bryants!
