Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A few things on fatherhood and moving

I hate moving.
It seems so simple to say, but when you've moved over 30 times like I have, it's pretty easy to understand why.
Cross country moves are less irritating to me than the short move, since I had so many short moves in my life. Back and forth to various residences in college and then there's the fact my mom moved four different times in the same city during my college years.
Granted, I did spend a shade under a decade in college, so that might help expand the timeframe just a little.

I love our new place.
The house here in New Brighton didn't have everything we wanted to be a perfect house, but it has so much potential to add the things we want to make it exactly what we want. For now, it's a great place and a place I'm sure the Bryant family will enjoy for many, many years to come.

It's nice that Abby and I are close to friends. Being somewhat isolated from my side of the family can get difficult at times, even though I don't openly say it. But having friends that are close to me like my family makes a big difference.

I've always said Minnesota is the best place I've ever lived and it's nice to be back.

The stress level has also quelled. We're not cooped up, although I'm forever thankful that Abby's parents took us in for that long winter stretch.

Watching Lucy grow up is something quite amazing. To think this little girl spent the first four months of her life basically lying down with tubes and things all stuck to her makes me thankful every day. She's got her mother's resiliency for sure. She's got a lot of my mannerisms, many that become apparent each and every day. The kid sleeps exactly like I do. On her right side, arms crossed or tucked and her feet sticking out from underneath a blanket. Weird.

Working from home has its challenges, but also its benefits. I can go up and spend time with my daughter anytime I want. That's something my previous jobs couldn't provide.

Abby working close to home also has extreme benefits, although we're still getting into the nanny thing. I think once Abby's fully comfortable with everything, we'll be having a lot more lunches at home.

Hard to believe we're coming up on a year -- there's so much I want to jot down, but for now, I'll just keep it short. Most of you know how long-winded I can be.

Thanks for all the support, it's really been great to have so many people out there who have been friends and confidants all throughout this journey.


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