Sunday, August 3, 2014

MRI Results

Waiting for the next float at the parade!!

 We had a meeting with Lucy's neurologist (Dr. P) this week (arguably the best doctor's office from a toys and entertainment perspective, so that always helps the appointment go better!)

She hasn't had an MRI for about 16 months (they like to do one about every 12 months at this age, until the are school-aged).  These appointments always make me nervous and I'm not exactly sure why.  Even though I know that the results of a current state MRI will not change anything about her current development, it has the possibility of giving us terrible news about her long-term development.

However, that was not the case this time!  Her brain looks good - ventricle sizes are stable and within a normal range and the fluid along the outside of the brain and between the right and left sides had dissipated slightly - all really great news!  He spine is looking straighter than it did on previous MRIs and he saw no issues there.  He is pleased with her development - motor skills, speech, personality, etc.  It always makes me smile when her doctors ask if she is running and jumping and that kind of stuff - I'm like, "she never sits still!"  At this visit, right after he asked if she ran and jumped and climbed, Dr. P. asked her to come out in the hallway so he could watch her walk.  It took about 10 seconds for her to spot a balloon at the other end of the building for her to take off running and giggling all the way.  Dr. P is like - well I guess that answers that question!

Getting used to the bouncy house...
Action shot - it's hard to capture a bouncing toddler on an iPhone camera!!
Exhausted, and enjoying the feel of the bounce from the other kids - haha!!

 Jason was in Florida for a good part of the week so Lucy and I took the opportunity to visit my sister and her family for Albany Heritage Days - complete with a bouncy house and Lucy's first parade.  Although she can't eat like 95% of the candy they throw out, she did score some political stickers, a frisbee, a juice box and several suckers.  She loved the marching band, dance teams and fire trucks and police cars.  I think that there will be other parades in our near future!

Our next appointment is with the GI doctors next week to talk about the long-term plan for on-going dilatations and how long they recommend keeping her feeding tube in...excited and anxious for that visit also!!

I had a great reminder of God's providence this morning at church.  In John 16:33 when Jesus was speaking to his disciples about the upcoming crucifixion events, He says, "...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

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