Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Dress Up is a frequent occurrence in our house!
We are doing well!  Keeping germs away, washing our hands a lot, staying pretty isolated but enjoying some glimpses of warm weather and a fun baby who is changing every day!

March brought the 5 year anniversary of when we found out about Lucy's hydrocephalus diagnosis...I can't believe it.  How anxious and sad at times we were thinking about how hard life could be for her but how excited we were for a new baby at the same time.  Fast Forward 5 years - Lucy is exceeding all expectations.  She is reading, like legit reading road signs, books, anything she can basically read.  It's crazy for a 4 1/2 year old!!  She is doing great in preschool - playing with friends, eating school snacks (and lunch sometimes!), learning new songs and skills and all around growing up!  We are working on her focus and paying attention for longer stretches of time, but she is READY for Kindergarten in the fall!

We have not had any doctor appointments lately, but have a GI appointment scheduled for April to talk about ongoing laxatives and Acid Reducing medicines she might need.As of now, we are just doing a daily vitamin, and sneaking in some prunes, chia seeds a kefir to keep up digestion and overall gut health.

Jason travels a LOT at the end of February and March, so me and the girls get lots of fun together time.  I try to be creative with how I entertain us all!  Here are some highlights from March:

Lucy and I had a slumber party on the Living Room floor one night (I'm getting a bit old to sleep on the floor all night, haha!)

Lucy is playing "jaundice" here...complete the the blood pressure cuff and tiny foam glasses she had in the NICU (yes, I keep everything!)

It's been so fun to introduce Ruby to our favorite park!

Lucy and I ventured out with some of my friends and their little girls to the theater...Lucy even brought her puppies!

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