Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Happy to be out of bed and exercising her creativity
So...I was hoping to have an update today based on what the scopes showed...but they didn't happen.  As I said before, hospitals run on their own time and schedules and today that didn't work in our favor.  I could spend several paragraphs here ranting about how frustrated and disappointed we were at the lack of communication and schedule change and Lucy not being able to eat all day for NO REASON, but I think you can imagine all of those feelings.

Overall, Lucy has a good day, she is needing less oxygen support, her hemoglobin was down slightly, but basically the same and not a huge concern.  Scopes have been rescheduled for tomorrow morning.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us today and reached out - please do it again tomorrow!  Wisdom and safety for all involved and comfort for Lucy who is so sick and tired of being sick and tired.

As usual, she spend part of the day on arts and crafts and made me this awesome picture - LOVE HER!

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