Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Esophagus Dilatation #15

Lucy's "smile" face

I cannot believe that Lucy had her 15th esophagus dilatation today!  It had been 5 1/2 weeks since our last one - stretched out from 4 weeks last time.  As you may remember, we have been stuck at a size 10 for quite a while now.  Well, not anymore!!  We were able to get to the first (of three) stages on a size 12 today. 

Lucy did great - she has a new friend that she LOVES in the form of a little Elmo doll from grandma and grandpa that she brought with her today and hugged pretty much all morning long.  I have a feeling that today was not Elmo's last trip to the hospital!

We are about one year out from her first dilatation and even when I get impatient at her seemingly slow progress, I need to remind myself where we were a year ago - Lucy was eating step 1 baby food and could only handle a few spoonfuls at a time.  I remember when she ate her first Cheerio - I was so happy for her but horrified that she might choke on it, even thought it was tiny! She is still a long ways off from "normal" eating, but is making great, great strides and we are so happy for her!

Lucy at her first dilatation - she is still the cutest patient in hospital and the nurses fight over who gets to take care of her!
The plan is to go back in 6 weeks, and see if we can continue to progress through the #12's.

What a big girl!!

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