Chasing her shadow! (And for those of you not in Minnesota, yes we still have that much snow on the ground!) |
Cousins Ollie and Remy picked out 10 matchbox cars for Lucy to take home last time we saw them at Grandma and Grandpa's house and she plays with them everyday - Jason and I have to be careful where we walk, lest we injure our feet on a runaway car!!
Lining up her cars in the windowsill |
We are coming up on semi-annual appointment time so have some doctor's visits planned in the next few weeks - another dilatation in a few weeks, a urology follow-up, and an RNC (Radionuclide cystogram) - yuck! - which will check her Vesicoureteral Reflex (from the bladder to the kidneys). She will have to have a catheter for this one, and they don't typically sedate children under 3 for these, I've been told, so I am not looking forward to that one. I tried REALLY hard to get them to schedule this when she was already put under for her next dilatation, but was not able to - I guess the machine is broken at Children's St. Paul location (don't even get me started about how much money we pay in hospital bills and not understanding how they can have one machine in an entire hospital and it can be broken and they are unable to fix it for 3 months. Where is our money going?!?!?!?!?)
Other than that, we have been staying healthy and are enjoying some downtime in Jason's travel schedule while we patiently wait for Old Man Winter to leave for a few months!!
Oh, and the best news of the week? Lucy is down to two 2-ounce feeding through her feeding tube! I am anxious to have a weight check at the doctor in a few weeks to see how well she is maintaining her growth without these supplemental calories. Slow and steady progress, right?
Not sure how well videos work on here, but this is Lucy enjoying her favorite activity last week at her Thursday night play group - trampoline! She gets some pretty good air!!
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