Saturday, April 12, 2014

Play, Play, Play!

"Play, Play, Play" is the chant that Lucy repeats during the entire 5 minute car ride to play group on Thursdays.

I love this picture - she looks so peaceful - enjoying the sun on her face and the gentle sway of the swing! :)
"Popeye face"...daddy's latest teaching! (Excuse the post-nap hair!!)

Wagon ride - she always has to hold on to something during our walks!
Last year...she looks so tiny!!

Look how much she has grown compared to last year!!

Hard core playing has been a theme around here lately - with as much outside time as we can get in!  Springtime in Minnesota is so great!!  Many, many times a day she will bring us a pair of shoes and ask to go outside. (It doesn't matter who the shoe actually belongs her world, it would be perfectly acceptable for mommy to take her outside in daddy's brown dress shoes or for daddy to wear mommy's heels to play outside with her!!)

Reading is still a very popular activity, especially when we get a new book, like this Minnesota version of "Goodnight Moon"

In addition to brushing her own teeth, Elmo's teeth routinely get brushed as well (In case you are wondering, no, Elmo doesn't have actual teeth!)

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