Friday, July 31, 2015

3 year Checkup

Earlier this month Lucy had her 3 year old visit to the doctor.  All things considered, she is doing great!!  Here are her stats - we didn't get a great height on her (according to the nurse, she had shrunk an inch since her prior visit), but we DO know that she grew over 3 inches since last year, according to our home measurements!

Weight: 31 lbs (just over the 50th percentile)
Height: 37 inches (about the 45th percentile)

Compared to her 2 year old stats, she evening out on the growth chart!!

Weight:  24 lbs, 11 oz (22nd percentile)
Height:  33. inches (49th percentile)

We've been busy enjoying's been so much fun this year without Lucy's feeding tube.  We are so much more free to pack up and go without worrying about an extra bag of medical supplies for when she leaks (which she inevitably ALWAYS did!).  I am not worried about her getting sand or lake water in her site and her core muscles definitely seem to be stronger.

We are ready for a family vacation and Jason's birthday in August, then thinking about preschool in September!!!

Bravely feeding the sheep at the Little Falls Zoo

Play date at Long Lake

Starting out Sunday morning slow...paper and coffee (well apple juice for Lucy)

Safety first!!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

This year was Lucy's 4th Fourth of July...can you believe it?  Remember when she was so tiny that first year? I remember how nervous I was for the nurses to take her out of her little bed and handle her so much...I was sure some tube was going to come or something!

We spent 4th of July week/weekend saying Good-Bye to Grandma Jeanette, who went back to Virginia, and enjoying the beautiful northern MN weather.  We even entered a family fishing contest at my parent's lake house!!

Swinging with Grandma Jeanette
Lucy has her well-child 3 year visit next week so we'll see how she measures up from a percentile perspective.  We've been getting lots of comments about how tall she looks, so we'll find out if she is actually tall for her age or not!

Swimming with Daddy!!

Teaching cousin Dawson how to swim