Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

Lucy giving baby sister some lovin'...she can't wait to meet her (neither can we!!)
What a gift to be a mother!

I was aptly spoiled on Mother's Day this year - Lucy slept until after 7, which is totally sleeping in for her!  Jason took Lucy to pick up a cheese danish for me for breakfast and I got a nap and some relaxation time outside in the beautiful sunshine plus a walk to the "far park" with Jason and Lucy!

I also got a variety of handmade gifts from Lucy - although she was getting a bit sick of Mother's Day by the end of today so she told me to picture she colored all black at church was actually hers - for "Big Girl Day." Haha...guess she was tired of all the crafting for Mother's Day by then?!?!

Lucy'c Mother Day crafts
Big shout out to my mom who is not only awesome and super helpful, but who also watched Lucy overnight on Friday so Jason and I could celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary - we went to a local dinner theater and stayed at a hotel overnight - sleeping in, brunching with no sticky syrup fingers touching us and wandering around some fun stores!  Thanks, Mom!

Six years married...where does the time go???
Happy Mother's Day to those who are Mothers, want to be a Mother or who have a Mother...especially one who is no longer with us here on earth.

Lucy, me, mom and Grandma, last summer...

Oh, and an update from our last blog...we located the tomatoes a day or so later...packed neatly in Lucy's lunchbox.  Thankfully they were still intact, hahahaha!!

Hhmmm...even that lunchbox looks mischevious...

Aha...the missing tomatoes!!