Monday, September 21, 2015

First Day of Preschool

Excited Face!
Lucy started preschool last week!  I cannot believe that this sweet little girl, who three short years ago was in the NICU having surgery and one short year ago was BACK in the hospital trying to get that feeding tube out went to preschool all by herself.  She sat "criss cross applesauce" with the other kiddos and listened to a story, she ate snack (and it went fine!), she made art to bring us and had a great time.  So proud of our little 3 year old!!

Pancake shaped like a "P" for breakfast on the first day...

GIANT backpack...she chose Doc McStuffins this year, which is appropriate since she loves her doctoring kit at home!

The first of MANY first day of school pictures!


Monday, September 14, 2015

Summer is coming to an end!

Cloud gazing with mom
Let me tell you that the end of summer is rough in Minnesota...we all know that fall is Ah-Maze-Ing here, but that the snow will soon fly and it will got C-O-L-D! :(

But, until that time comes, we are making the most of the beautiful weather of September.  We celebrated with one last fishing trip on the lake, a trip to the splash park, a few special trips with mom and Lucy while daddy was gone for 10 days and of course...getting ready for preschool!

What a change from a year ago, when Lucy was in the hospital while the doctors tried to figure out how to stop her feeding tube site from leaking.  In case you are wondering, we are VERY glad we made the decision to switch her GI care to the University of Minnesota and I hope to never be in that situation again where I feel like her care team isn't doing everything they can to solve her immediate health issues but are putting their arrogance and text book solutions before actual patient care....I could go on a rant here for awhile, but I won't...because that is all behind us and we've learned important lessons along the way!!

Lucy is doing great.  We have a few big events coming up...preschool starts tomorrow.  Lucy will go two mornings a week for about 2 1/2 hours each to a school district Early Childhood program.  Her class has about 15 kids total in it and she is one of a handful of kids that has a special education teacher assigned to monitor her progress.  Because of her hydrocephalus diagnosis, learning delays are probable so she qualifies for special education programs through the school district.  In addition, we have a health plan on file with the school because of her eating restrictions.  There is a snack every day and I am most nervous about her eating while we are not around...will she be able to handle whatever is for snack?  Will she feel singled out if the teacher tells her she has to eat the snack that mommy packed for her instead of what the class is having?  It's hard being a parent and letting your kids grow up and be independent!  I think it's impossible to NOT want to protect them from everything that we can - especially when there are extra special needs involved.

We are also participating in the annual Walk for Hydrocephalus this year...more on that in a future blog!  Our local community has already raised over $30,000 towards hydrocephalus research!!  If you'd like to donate on Lucy's's the link to our fundraising page: Donor Pledge for Lucy London.

In the meantime, here are some pictures from our recent fun:

"Doctoring" her baby at AppleBees

The local Splash Park!!

Any fish in there, Lucy?

YAY! Reunited with daddy after a long trip away.