Friday, July 25, 2014

Hanging Out with Mommy!!

Soaking up the sunshine at the Como Zoo playground
Jason has been in Fargo for the week at a wrestling tournament so I took the week off of work to hang out with Lucy...what a fun (and exhausting) week!

We went shopping, out for lunch, to Como Zoo, to the Children's Museum, out for dinner to celebrate grandpa's 60th birthday and to the park (numerous times).  We spent lots of time at home, playing in the pool, playing in the sandbox, taking wagon rides up and down the block, watching YouTube videos of "The Wheels on the Bus," coloring, playing with PlayDoh, dancing, eating popsicles, reading books and generally relaxing and just hanging out.  My sister and her three youngest (5, 7, and 10) came to play for a few days which was such a treat!!

We have an appointment with the neurologist this week to review the results of last week's MRI and will keep you posted on the results.

Here are some highlights from our week:

Ready for Pool Time!

Popsicle Time with friends!

Thomas the Train exhibit at the Children's Museum with cousins!!

Mom - look at this HUGE Sandbox (rooftop playground at the Children's Museum)

Riding on a bus!
Swinging and Clapping - two of Lucy's favorite things! :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Esophagus Dilatation #18 and MRI

Lucy had her 18th esophagus dilatation today. Since she was sedated, doctors took the opportunity to have a full brain and spinal MRI done (without sedation it would have been a "quick" brain and partial spinal MRI). 

As always, she did great, even though the OR was running 2 HOURS BEHIND!  Thankfully, there are many nurses who love to love on Lucy and a very helpful social worker who bring cars for her to ride around in and bubbles for her to play with.  It was a long day, with the delay, the extra procedure and then after an MRI, Lucy's shunt needs to be re-programmed back to her typical setting, since the magnets in the MRI machine reset it.  Plus, like 10 minutes after we got home, Jason headed out the door for a week-long trip to Fargo.  Lucy felt good enough tonight to check out a new park by our house but was ready for a early night!  She has had a busy week playing with Grandma all week (Jason's mom), who was visiting from Virgina (the state, not the city!!)

Her dilatation got her to the 2nd level of the 12 (last time we got to the third).  It's not entirely surprising that we stopped at a slightly smaller setting because we are spacing these out more.  There is still no end to these procedures in sight, but all of her doctors agree that she is making tremendous progress and for that, we are eternally grateful! :)  The doctor we had today has been on maternity leave for awhile and she couldn't believe how much progress Lucy has been been in the past few months.

Lucy also had her Well-Child 2-year appoint this week.  Here are her stats:

Weight:  24 lbs, 11 oz (22nd percentile)
Height:  33. inches (49th percentile)

What a big girl!  We can definitely tell that she is getting taller and looks so much more like a toddler and not my little baby anymore!  At her 1 year appointment, she was:

Weight: 18 lbs, 5 oz (between 10th and 25th percentile)
Height:  27.6 inches (10th percentile)

Two Years Old!
One Year Old!

Our prayer, as always, continues to be that we... "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." (Romans 12:12)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Happy 4th of July...

Modeling a new accessory
 ...we are a bit late wishing everyone a happy 4th of July but we definitely did enjoy the long summer weekend!

We went to my parents' lake house in northern Minnesota along with my parents and my oldest sister and her three youngest kids (5,7 and 10).  Lucy LOVES, LOVES, LOVES playing with her cousins and riding on grandpa's boat and touching the fish that we catch.

Cousin iPad time!
Checking out Rosie the dog's house
Picking out her spot for the campfire.
Lucy is keeping us busy repeating everything we say, sneaking snacks from the cupboard and running through the house...literally...running is one of her favorite "games" and it's even more fun if mommy or daddy run with her. :)

Sidewalk chalk!!

Other than that, we are continuing our streak of no doctor appointments and her feeding tube site is much, much better.  It is still a little red around the actual site, but the leaking has lessened a ton so we are back to changing her dressing 2 or 3 times a day again. Yay!

Next week, we have a weight check with her pediatrician and another dilatation as well as an full spine and brain MRI with her neurosurgery team, so it will be a few long days again for our sweet, sweet girl.

Throwback pic from last fourth of July!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A month for the history books...

Can you believe that Lucy had ZERO doctor appointments in the month of June?  What a treat for all of us to not have to go to the doctor for any reason!!

Although - and I cannot believe that I am STILL writing about this - we did have a phone consult with the GI office because her feeding tube site has been SO leaky lately.  Jason and I have switched out her button (which goes into her stomach and then is filled with 6 ml of sterile water, so the balloon inside her stomach keeps it in place) 3 times in the past few weeks and we are back to changing her dressing 4 to 5 times per day - as well as going through many, many shirts that get soaked.  UGH!  Most concerning is that the skin around her site has gotten very raw and irritated and we are not able to combat it with any of the multitude of lotions, creams or ointments that we have (we have tried natural remedies, like Tea Tree Oil, barrier creams with zinc oxide, petroleum-based ointments, yeast-fighting creams and powders, etc., etc., etc.).  So we finally called the doctor's office and they suggested over-filling the balloon in her feeding tube button to provide a tighter fit and also prescribed a new cream that is supposed to work wonders on raw skin.  So, we are hoping that these two changes will help.

On the bright side, we did schedule an office visit with the GI team for August to talk about POSSIBLY taking her feeding tube out!  I am trying not to get my hopes up, as we have been told repeatedly that doctors are very conservative about not taking out a tube too soon.  Lucy is super patient with all the dressing and clothes changes, but can you imagine trying to get a 2 year old to sit still several different times a day so you can dry her off, rub her down with ointment, and re-dress her?  UGH!  She has been able to handle new foods lately, like small bites of rice that are not ground up and even some canned green beans!

On the positive side, Lucy continues to amaze and delight us every day.  She likes the new piano that we got from my parents (it's the piano that me and my sisters learned on!), climbing up and down everything in an attempt to reach things she shouldn't (like the table) and playing with all of her new birthday presents.

We hope you all enjoy a fun 4th of July weekend!!