Wednesday, October 31, 2012

First week home!

I can hardly believe that Lucy has been home with us for a whole week.  It is such a treat to be able to spend all day, every day with her.  We've had a busy week - doctor's appointments, packing, moving, grandparents, walks in the gorgeous Colorado fall weather, Halloween parties...A HUGE thank you to my parents for helping us out - we couldn't have done it without them!

We are officially moved from Colorado Springs to our temporary digs in Denver, where we'll be for the next few weeks as we wrap up Lucy's doctor's appointments, and my work here in Colorado.  Today we took Lucy on her first non-doctor excursion to a Halloween party that my work hosts every year for kids of employees.  She did great!  She's so serious as she takes in her surroundings and all the new people.

We've had several pediatrician visits, a home nurse visit and G-tube surgery follow-up.  All her docs think she is doing great - she's up to 12 lbs!  We are planning to schedule a swallow study in the next few weeks to find out if she is ready to take any food orally instead of through her G-Tube.  In addition, we are still working on finding her doctors in Minnesota.

Lucy is doing great - getting used to be home all day and starting to get into a routine with sleeping and awake time.  Enjoy the pictures of Lucy on Halloween (I figure that a tutu qualifies as a Halloween costume for a 4 month old, right?)

Looking at Grandma

Loves playing with her hands - best toy ever!   

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear thing are going well with Lucy at home! She's so cute, can't wait to meet her when you move back to MN. Hooray!
