Monday, December 19, 2016

Thanksgiving, Eye Doctor and Dentist

I literally cannot resist dressing them alike whenever possible!
It's almost Christmas (and I'm just catching up on a Thanksgiving blog!).  We are doing very well in our household...watching the girls grow up and enjoy each other's company!  We had the pleasure of hosting my family for Thanksgiving, which was super fun...I can't believe how much the kiddos have grown up since we introduced Lucy to them on Thanksgiving 4 years ago!!

Thanksgiving Kids Table #1
Thanksgiving Kid's Table #2
Throwback to Thanksgiving, 2012

Lucy has had a few colds from preschool this year, but nothing major yet that has really kept her down for the count, which is awesome!  December brings her annual eye exam and semi-annual dentist appointment.

Although she is NOT a fan of the eye drops that make her eyes blurry, she did great at the eye doctor!  The doctor said that she has no signs of optic nerve damage from swelling (possible hydro side effect) and her vision is right on track for a 4-year old.  Yay!

At the dentist, it was the first time she was brave enough to let them do the WHOLE cleaning - polishing, fluoride, rinsing...everything with no tears!  We play a fair amount of doctor and dentist at home, so she was very excited to be gifted with one of those little dentist mirrors on a stick from the dentist himself as a reward for her bravery.  Way to go, Lucy!

Hanging out in the dentist chair
We are gearing up for Christmas around here and are so excited to spend time with friends and family and have a bit of time off work.

We hope you are enjoying the holidays with your loved ones!

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