Tuesday, August 7, 2012


After a our recent disappointment related to Lucy's surgery dates, I have found such wonderful comfort in friends, families, nurses and strangers in the past 2 weeks. I find myself thinking back to that day in the doctor's office when we were asked if we wanted to terminate the pregnancy and I cannot imagine never meeting this little baby who is Lucy!

As I talk with more moms in the NICU and at the Ronald McDonald House, I have met many women who were faced with that same decision - some who have perfectly healthy (albeit premature) babies and others who do not. Just like many other life situations that draw people together when they would never had met otherwise, there is an instant sense of community between the parents - especially the moms - that are in the NICU with us. I was especially impacted by a VERY young couple who have a baby born with hydrocephalus, just like Lucy. She had a shunt put in shortly after birth and has experienced some major issues with infection and other birth defects, including Spina Bifida. But, she is doing great now and they are ready to take her home this week, at just over 2 months of age. I know that they will have many difficult days over the life of their baby.

Lucy continues to thrive in the NICU - she is up to 73 ml of food, with the additional 27 calories of formula to fortify and help her gain weight. As of tonight, she was up to 7 lbs, 2 1/2 oz! She is starting to develop chub on her arms and legs and is staying awake for longer periods of time. Jason won't recognize her when he gets back from London next week! She is also hanging out in her Boppy every once in a while (thanks, Nate, Emily and Nolan!) instead of just laying in bed or being held. The doctor told me today that we can take her off oxygen for short periods of time while she is awake and alert and we are interacting with her. Her hair is growing like crazy! She loves looking around the room and at her brightly colored books and has some pretty cute facial expressions - my favorite is when she is very obviously awake in her crib and looking around and one of us come up to her and say hello and she slams her little eyes closed - like she was sleeping the whole time. :)

We have been blessed to have a variety of visitors, most recently my sister, Melisa, who took the photo at the top of this blog. Also, thanks to my sister, Jenny, for making the adorable headband Lucy is wearing. We are looking forward to some of my friends from Minnesota and some of Jason's family coming in the next few weeks. With Jason's travel schedule, it has been so nice for me to have out-of-town visitors to keep me company.

As always, thanks for the support - we are overwhelmed with gratitude towards all of you!

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