Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

It was Jason's 33rd birthday on Monday and Lucy's 2-month birthday on Tuesday! I cannot believe that she is 2 months old already (and that she has been in the hospital for her entire life.) :(

Despite the unusual beginning to her life, she continues to do very well in the NICU. She always has a variety of nurses that come by to visit her and comment on how great her hair is. She is just a few ounces away from being 8 pounds. She has been able to stay off oxygen except for a brief period on Saturday night when her suction tube wasn't getting all of her secretions out and she had some breathing issues. After a quick x-ray, her suction tube was re-positioned and she has been tolerating her secretions much better ever since.

Her G-tube continues to leak occasionally which is highly frustrating, as there does not seem to be a rhyme or reason for when it happens. So, she continues with multiple dressing changes a day and continuous feeds so that her stomach does not expand too quickly.

I would like to give a shout out to three very special babies - Keely and Alma, who were among Lucy's first roommates in the Graduate NICU and had both been there for several months before going home this week. We wish their families well as they adjust to life with their babies at home and know that they are so thankful for their miracle babies who arrived at less than 2 pounds apiece and have both had several surgeries already. We can't wait until it's our turn to take Lucy home. Also, we'd like to welcome Blake David to the world. He was born to one of my very dearest friends and it was so fun to be pregnant at the same time and have babies so close in age. We can't wait for Blake and Lucy's first play date!

We are anxiously anticipating her follow-up Gap Study this week and are hopeful for positive results.

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