Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have much to be thankful for this year and top of our list, not surprisingly, is little Lucy London.  She is such a joy to us and we are just so THANKFUL to have her home for the holidays.  We are also thankful for each and every one of you that read this blog and keep Lucy and our family in your thoughts and prayers.  So from us, to you, Happy Thanksgiving! 

We have successfully made the move to Minnesota.  Lucy did great on the trip!  We left Denver around 6:30 on Sunday night and drove to Lincoln, NE, where we stopped around 3 am until 10 am.  We then headed the rest of the way to Princeton, MN - Lucy slept 90% of the ride, except for short breaks for lunch and diaper change and for a good hour when she cried through Minneapolis rush hour traffic (we didn't much enjoy that stretch, either!)

We've enjoyed the week at my parents so far, where Lucy got to meet all her her cousins on my side of the family and a good portion of the extended family as well. 

Other than that, we are getting settled, getting used to COLD weather - waking up to sub-zero temperatures in November takes a little getting used to - and finding our new routine before we start doctors visits in a few weeks.

Lucy continues to grow and learn new tricks to show off to all the new people she meets - like blowing bubbles and letting out squeals when she is excited!

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