Sunday, December 8, 2013

Esophagus Dilatation #12, Cardiology Visit and Meeting Santa!

Mama - please come get me!!
Lucy had her 12th esophagus dilatation on Friday.  These are, unfortunately, becoming so routine it doesn't seem like I have much to share about it.  The docs were able to get her through the 10's again (same as last time).  He seemed really optimistic about her progress, even though it's slow, he feel very confident that Lucy is on the right track.  Her recovery was pretty much standard, but she did have a very fast pulse for awhile - not exactly sure why.  It could've been because her IV was bothering her or her esophagus, so she got some Tylenol before we went home and then she was good to go.

Climbing - one of her current favorite activities
Earlier in the week, we had her one-year follow-up with cardiology.  The doctor basically walked in the room and told us that he could tell she looked great!  We didn't even have to do any EKG's or echo tests or anything, which was great!  I was geared up for a really long appointment, but it took us less than 30 minutes!  Lucy even came home with 2 stickers, which she thought was pretty special!  She still has a slight VSD (hole in her heart), but nothing of concern at this point and it will not likely cause her issues as she gets older.  We will continue to monitor with cardiology annually.
Yogurt face!

By Saturday, she was ready to brave the cold with us (for all you out of's been COLD here in Minnesota - lots of below zero days!) and go meet Santa!  We took her to the annual Children's Holiday party at my work.  She had a blast watching all the kiddos dancing and listening to the music, she got to spin a giant Price is Right wheel and won some stickers and she got to sit on Santa's lap (she didn't love it, but what one year old like sitting on Santa's lap?)

So, it's been a busy, busy week but full of fun, holiday treats and God's blessings!

Spinning the big wheel - if you know Lucy you know this girl loves the Price is Right!!

Whose lap am I on?

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