Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Trip to Virginia

Enjoying a brief Minnesota thaw!
Last week, we visited Jason's family in Southern Virginia for a long weekend.  It was nice to escape the Minnesota winter for a bit!  Lucy was a great traveler again - especially considering that Jason left before us so Lucy and I flew by ourselves on the way out AND we had flight cancellations, delays and missing bags to boot!  I'll spare you the details, but let's just say it was the WORST travel experience I've had (and I've flown a TON!) and everyone from the airline was super unhelpful which made things worse!  And to think...I booked a direct flight for us so this wouldn't happen! UGH!!

My very patient travel companion having a snack while we wait out ANOTHER flight delay
Here are some fun pictures from our trip:

Hanging out with daddy at the Virginia Duals Wrestling event

Entertaining herself at a restaurant (I know, I know, we shouldn't let her make such a big mess...but we did clean it up before we left!)
Hamming it up with Grandma!

Checking out the water behind Grandpa's house
Back in town, we are enjoying the weather when it warms up and getting back into the swing of our routine at home.  We don't have any doctors appointments until the her dilatation at the end of the month which is great!  I feel like Lucy learns at least one new word every day and she basically jabbers non-stop when she is awake!  She has WAY more energy than Jason and I have and loves, loves, loves to dance, listen to music, play her keyboard (which has an all-cat setting, so instead of piano notes, it's a "meow" - yep, just as annoying as it sounds, lol!)  Her favorite letter is "D" and she points it out often when she sees it (like EVERY "D" seat on the airplane!) and she has quite a long attention span for coloring - she's graduated from drawing lines to drawing circles now!

Stay warm and enjoy the calm of winter after the busy holiday season!!

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