Sunday, December 16, 2018

Day 4 in the hospital

Today was a very low-key day, focused on eating, drinking and reducing oxygen needs and IV fluids.  I think we accomplished all of that and Lucy also got a bath (sort of...) which I was way more thrilled about than she was.

Also, I am happy to report that yesterday's blood transfusion was successful - increasing her hemoglobin from a 6 to a 10 and contributing to her feeling and acting much more like herself today.  She is off of high flow oxygen and on a small amount through a nose cannula.  We will try to turn it off overnight while she is sleeping and see how she does.

Her coughing fits have reduced in number and severity but she still has some chest congestion, obviously.  She had a good appetite and makes all the doctor's mouths water when the come in for morning rounds because she orders hash browns every morning!

Assuming she continues to improve over the next day 24 to 36 hours, we will likely have an upper endoscopy and broncoscopy done on Tuesday to see if we can isolate the location of the GI bleed and check for anatomy irregularities that might be contributing to her frequent pneumonia.  Did I already tell you that?  I can't remember!!

Our focus at this point is obviously getting Lucy healthy, but I would like to mention, for the record that we have questioned Lucy's symptoms and in some cases, requested these very tests in the recent weeks from her care team and have been told they are not necessary.  So, it's frustrating as a parent and health care consumer to have to advocate so fiercely for something and end up in the hospital getting the very thing we requested, but now is not the time to focus on's time to focus on getting Lucy healthy and trusting we are in the hands of good doctors who care about her health.

Tonight we continue to be patient and faithful and continue to pray that we will be HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!

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