Monday, December 17, 2018

Day 5 in the hospital

Enjoying a few hours of freedom, gazing out the window with Grandma and Grandpa

Here is the quick update on today:

 - Lucy's hemoglobin was UP on it's own today - from 10.0 to 11.0 - YAY!

 - Lucy was off oxygen intermittently all day today - she needed some support at various times but overall her stats looked good all day

 - New week means new doctors are rounding, so her new pulmonologist suggested a nebulizer every 4 hours to help keep airways clear and open

 - Her IV that was put in on Thursday failed (her hand / arm were starting to get puffy), so that was removed and Lucy enjoyed a few hours of freedom with no oxygen and no IV to roam around the room and sit somewhere other than her bed.  It was replaced this evening since she will need it for surgery tomorrow and for some IV antibiotics she is getting and minor hydration

 - She ate really good today again and was SUPER excited that Grandma and Grandpa brought Chick-Fil-A for lunch (I'm not going to pretend I wasn't excited too!!)

 - We did about 100 craft projects, wore matching Christmas socks and I introduced her to the movie Elf...we are feeling a little bored!!

Tomorrow will be a rough day as she won't be able to eat all day since she is going under anesthesia in the afternoon to have her broncoscopy and upper endoscopy done.  Since we are a "fit in" to the schedule and we need pulmonology and GI to coordinate schedules and ORs, it will likely happen in the afternoon.

We would so appreciate it if you can cover Lucy and the doctors and nurses in prayers tomorrow - for wisdom and safety for all involved.

I hope I have good news to share tomorrow after her scopes and some definite next steps to get her towards full healing.

We are still confident we will break out of here BEFORE CHRISTMAS!

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