Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Still Waiting...

I think I commented in a previous post that the doctors set a "goal" of 36 weeks for us but I was pretty sure we would get to 36 weeks and they would set a new goal of 37 weeks. Well, I was right! Yesterday, we had an amnio to check for lung maturity and discovered that she is not ready yet (I'm not sure exactly how it can tell and there are many debates out there about whether or not it is an accurate test AND since my fluid levels are on the rise (yesterday, it was at 30), the numbers may have been skewed a bit. In any case, it is one of the best tests they have for telling if the baby is ready to be born and will be able to breathe on his/her own outside of mom).

Needless to say, Jason and I were disappointed. We have been waiting nearly 4 months to find out what the next steps are for baby Lucy and it feels really close - just not quite yet. Apparently, neurosurgeons are unimpressed by ultrasounds pre-birth and they want to get their hands on the baby to make a determination on when surgery is feasible. So, we continue to wait.

We had to give ourselves several pep talks yesterday to remind ourselves that this is not in our hands, or the hands of doctors but in God's hands - and really, we wouldn't want anyone else handling this situation!

I continue to be stable - my blood pressure is creeping up and my protein levels continue to be all across the board, but nothing drastic has come up in the past week. I have met many expectant moms, all here for a variety of reasons - even one surrogate who is pregnant with a baby for a couple in Switzerland!

The featured picture for the week is of the variety of freebies that I have gotten while being here - most of which came from the same organization that sponsors game night, craft night and Sundaes on Sunday here at the hospital. There is a wonderful organization in the Denver-area called Acts of Grace that has a passion for moms on bedrest. It was started by a mom who was pregnant with twins and was at this hospital, on bedrest for several weeks. She ultimately ended up losing one of the twins (Grace), and started Acts of Grace in her memory. For more information, check out http://www.actsofgracefoundation.org/.

Thank you for your continued emails, texts, Facebook messages, phone calls and cards. We so appreciate hearing from everyone and knowing that your prayers are with us.

Our new plan is to re-evaluate things next week. I, for one, cannot WAIT to announce Lucy's birth instead of continuing to blog about our continued wait...but it will come in HIS time, not mine!


  1. Yep, I agree- hang in there. "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 Our prayer for your guys today and the days ahead.
